
level 6 academic courses

Reading Writing Grammar
EAP 0660: Level 6 Global Academic Track (C1 Advanced)

Goal #1: Develop students’ ability to read, understand and analyze complex academic texts
and research-based articles.

Goal #2: Develop students’ ability to write a research paper on an academic topic in which
an argument is established, supported with synthesized sources, and cited correctly using MLA or APA.

Goal #3: Develop students’ ability to apply knowledge of grammar in written communication at an advanced level.

Student Learning Outcomes


  • Employ reading and annotation strategies appropriate for reading goals at the advanced level.
  • Demonstrate understanding of academic vocabulary, including academic collocations, critical for understanding unadapted texts.
  • Demonstrate understanding of academic vocabulary including academic collocations and multi-word phrases.
  • Use strategies to determine the meaning of unknown words and phrases.
  • Articulate the central thesis or claim of a reading, as well as supporting information and counterclaims.
  • Evaluate the credibility of an author, claim, or text.
  • Interpret information presented visually in the form of graphs, charts, and other visuals.
  • Distinguish between main ideas, details, and examples in academic texts and general readings and identify central arguments in research articles.
  • Synthesize different readings in preparation for writing a research essay.


  • Demonstrate a wide range of academic vocabulary used for variety, clarity, and emphasis.
  • Compose using a variety of sentence types including simple, compound, complex, compound-complex to produce fluent, cohesive writing with correct word order.
  • Produce increasingly thoughtful and sophisticated free-writing in response to teacher-generated topics.
  • Demonstrate advanced level summary and paraphrasing skills.
  • Utilize transitional words and phrases to indicate the relationship between ideas and build coherence and cohesion.
  • Demonstrate correct citation of source materials (MLA/APA) including library and internet.
  • Employ revising and editing strategies to increase organization, coherence, grammatical correctness, and word choice in writing.
  • Produce summary response, critical response, argument and analysis essays (2-4 pages).
  • Produce a 3-5 page-research paper on an academic topic that establishes and supports a claim with synthesized, sourced material.
  • Use self-editing skills and instructor feedback to revise drafts for accuracy, coherence, and cohesion.


  • Review of all English verb tenses:
    • Simple Present (including future meaning)
    • Present Progressive (including future meaning)
    • Simple Past
    • Past Progressive
    • Present Perfect/ Present Perfect Progressive
    • Past Perfect/Past Perfect Progressive
    • Will and be going to
    • Future Progressive
    • Future Perfect/ Future Perfect Progressive
    • Demonstrate command of causative verbs
  • Demonstrate command of progressive and passive forms of modals (present/future and past, including negative forms).
    • Advisability
    • Certainty/conclusion
    • Obligation
  • Demonstrate command of passive infinitives and passive gerunds.
  • Demonstrate command of conditionals including:
    • Mixed conditionals
    • Replacing if with only if; provided; even if; whether …or not; unless; in case
    • Omitting if
  • Demonstrate command of reduced adjective clauses (adjective phrases)
  • Demonstrate command of reduced adverb clauses of time, reason, contrast, concession

